Free Music Monday: 10 More Tracks from Around the Web
August 31st, 2009 | by Barb Dybwad5 Comments
Hello again music lovers! If you saw last week’s edition, you’ll know that we’re celebrating the #musicmonday Twitter (
) tradition here at Mashable (
We’ll give you 10 free downloads and/or streams to check out, and we
hope you’ll let us know what types of music you’d like to hear more of.
After last week’s inaugural feature we got some great feedback (thanks!) including several requests for submitting tracks. We’d be thrilled to audition any tracks you’d like to send us, so if you’re an artist, promoter or label who’d like to have a track featured here on Free Music Monday, please drop us a line at barb AT mashable DOT com. This week we’ve already got a couple of submissions for your listening pleasure.
And now: on with the list!
1. [FOLK] Linda Thompson: Never the Bride — UK folk singer Thompson penned this track with musician son Teddy Thompson and is releasing it exclusively to fans. In the tradition of artists Josh Freese and Jill Sobule, Thompson hopes to independently raise the funds to record the rest of the album from donations. Head over to Linda’s Artistfunding Campaign to download the free track and/or contribute; thanks to The Hector Fund for the submission!
2. [ELECTRONICA] RAC: Star Trek Theme — One of the top-rated Creative Commons-licensed tracks on TheSixtyOne this week, the Star Trek Theme remix from the Remix Artist Collective didn’t end up making it into the J.J. Abrams film, but is a pretty boss re-imagining nonetheless. Download or stream it on The SixtyOne, and check out the first 2 minutes of the track set to the Trek trailer below.
3. [CLASSICAL] Danielle De Niese’s Mozart Album — NPR Music is currently streaming the entire forthcoming album of this emerging soprano’s take on Mozart’s lesser-known arias. Stream the entire album from NPR, plus download an exclusive bonus track.
4. [PROGRESSIVE ROCK] Ancestors: Bounty of Age — This track from the forthcoming second full-length album from the heavy and progressive quintet is streamable exclusively on Stereogum. Featuring influences from classic rock and progressive metal, this 14-minute preview of the Los Angeles group’s Of Sound Mind full-length might tide you over til its release in October.
5. [POP/ROCK] Richie Kihlken: Mr. Mystery — Multi-instrumentalist Richie Kihlken takes a unique approach to both playing live and recording in the studio, using a sampler and a technique called “looping” to record all parts of the track solo. Check out Mr. Mystery and 3 other tracks from the album “Process Paradox” embedded via SoundCloud below, and pick up the whole album here. Thanks to @bmose14 for the submission!
6. [AMBIENT] Phillip Wilkerson: Secret — The fourth release from this ambient and experimental artist is available in its entirety for download, or stream it below.
7. [ALTERNATIVE] The Used: Artwork — The new album from alternative rockers The Used is out today on iTunes, and to celebrate they’re throwing a 24-hour virtual listening party on Twitter. Head over to the Twitter listening party page to send a tweet and get access to stream the album for free.
8. [HIP-HOP] Jay-Z Featuring Kanye West & Adele: Never Chasing Pavement (Urban Noize Remix) (warning: NSFW) — This remix from the Urban Noize crew blends Jay-Z, Kanye West and Adele into a fresh big city anthem. Download it from
9. [ROCK] Placebo: The Never-Ending Why — From the “Battle for the Sun” album comes a new animated music video full of trip-a-delic visuals and dizzying spiral tunnels. Check out the video embedded below.
PLACEBO – The Never-Ending Why from PlaceboWorld on Vimeo (
10. [HOUSE / TURNTABLISM] DJ AM: Fix Your Face Vol. 1 — R.I.P. Adam Goldstein. You can download two volumes of the late DJ’s work.