Tuesday, April 28, 2009

If you want to put a cool glowing wel...

If you want to put a cool glowing welcome text on your personal web profile or blog head to Glowtxt.com.  It is a  web utility which lets you easily add glow to text.

Simply enter your text, select options (style, size, animation type, glow effect etc.,) and click “Make text” to generate your glowing text.

add glow to text

Once generated, click to download the image to your computer or get the online image codes for webpages and forums. You can also preview your text on different backgrounds.

If you are not sure which text style to use, scroll down the screen and preview sample graphics with the style names - sweetheart, flutter, ping glow… etc, and click on one to apply it to your text.

Generated glowing text from the above example

Image from glowtxt.com text generator


  • Online glowing text generator.
  • Generate as many as you want
  • Customize style, size, animation type, glow effect… etc.
  • Download the generated image on your computer or use the provided image codes
  • Insert the glowing text into your social profiles, forums and other webpages
  • Free, no sign up.
  • Similar tool: Cool Text

Check out Glowtxt @ www.glowtxt.com